What are the benefits of aerobic exercise?

What are the benefits of aerobic exercise?

Aerobic exercise reduces the risk of numerous diseases, ranging from cardiovascular disease to dementia. Aerobic exercise is more effective than other forms of physical activity because it requires the heart and lungs to work harder than normal.

Aerobic exercise examples include jogging, cycling, walking, swimming, and aerobics classes.

Advantages for the physique

1. Preventing cardiovascular disease
Aerobic exercise is essential for maintaining the health of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Regular aerobic exercise can aid in the prevention of heart disease and lower the mortality risk associated with this condition.

2. Keeping a healthful weight
Aerobic exercise burns calories for energy. It is a great method to induce a caloric deficit in the body, leading to weight loss. To achieve a caloric deficit, the majority of individuals will also need to reduce their caloric intake.

3. Regulating blood glucose levels
Controlling blood sugar levels is essential for reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. It is essential for individuals with diabetes to maintain optimal blood sugar levels. A high blood sugar level can harm blood vessels and result in cardiac disease. Insulin is necessary for blood sugar regulation. Aerobic exercise can increase insulin sensitivity, allowing the body to control blood sugar levels with less insulin.

4. Reducing blood pressure
Blood vessels and the heart are strained by hypertension. This can have severe consequences over time, such as an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Aerobic exercise can help maintain a healthy blood pressure range.

5. Stroke prevention and management
When the blood supply to a portion of the brain is obstructed, a stroke occurs. It can have grave and potentially fatal consequences. Regular aerobic exercise decreases the risk of stroke by maintaining healthy blood vessels and the heart.

6. Increasing life expectancy
Aerobic exercise has such a vast array of health benefits that it extends human life. Regardless of the intensity of the activity, higher levels of aerobic activity reduce the risk of mortality.

7. Enhancing physical performance
The ability to perform activities of daily life is essential for maintaining autonomy and health. Aerobic exercise enhances a person's daily function-required physical abilities. Additionally, physical fitness helps prevent mishaps and the injuries they cause.


Aerobic exercise has numerous positive effects on the body.

Weekly aerobic activity should consist of at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity, according to national physical activity guidelines. Getting more than this amount of exercise will likely have additional health benefits.

Some individuals may find it difficult to make time for sports or regular gym visits. However, by making minor adjustments to their daily regimens, these individuals can achieve the recommended level of physical activity.

資料來源:Aaron Kandola (2019), “What are the benefits of aerobic exercise? ”. Medical News Today. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/327100
